This post begins a series on Day family genealogy. The material here is taken partially from A Genealogical Register of the Descendents in the Male Line of Robert Day of Hartford, Conn. Northampton: J. & L. Metcalf, 1848 (see references). There was an earlier edition in 1840 and this one has corrections from the family but does not claim to be completely accurate. The author, George E. Day, thanks several members of the Day family at the time including: Horace Day of New York, James Day of New Orleans, and Thomas Day of St. Louis. Family members could order copies for $1.00, post paid, for which they would receive two copies.
This information is partially validated through the Vital Records of West Springfield to the Year 1850, Boston: New England Genealogical Society, 1944 and supplemented by other sources. Those births, marriages and deaths recorded in the Vital Records are indicated by an * and you can see that the official records are incomplete. Robert Day is also featured in the Great Migrations series which supplements and validates the information on him from other sources.
Eunice Day was born in 1771* in W. Springfield MA, the daughter of Joel and Eunice Day, and she married Abraham Ives on Jan. 22, 1799* in W. Springfield, and died in 1844.* (see Abraham Ives for their life together). Th ext poat will cover her father Joel and the follwing posts will cover tha Day family going back to Robert Day (1604 - 1648) who came to Boston from England in 1634. He died in 1648 in Hartford, Ct.