Christopher Atwater was born in Royton, Lenham, Kent, England, in 1521, and died in Royton in 1573. His will was proved April 6, 1573; Archdeaconry Court, book 42, page 22. He was buried in the churchyard, Lenham, county Kent, England. His wife was Maryan. They had five children:
1. David, born after 1549, died in Lenham, Kent, England, in July, 1620. His baptism was not recorded in the register of the Lenham Church, which dates from 1558. Per his father's will, David is under the age of 24 at that time. His burial is found on the Lenham Church register in July 11, 1620. His will is on record in Book 45, page 31, Consistory Court, Canterbury; it was proved September 27, 1620. His wife's name was Susanna. No children of his are mentioned.
2. George was baptized in Lenham on February 2, 1565, and died Kent, England, in 1622. He was baptized on the same day as his brother Matthew; they likely were twins. His will is on record in Book 63, page 305, Archdeaconry Court, is dated February 18, 1621, and was proved April 26, 1622. His wife's name was Ann. No children of his are mentioned.
3. Matthew was baptized in Lenham on February 2, 1565. He was baptized on the same day as his brother George; they likely were twins. He probably died young.
4. John was baptized in Lenham on March 5, 1567, and died in Royton in October, 1636.
5. Joanna was born after 1567. She married Stephen Cooke of Smarden in Kent.
Parts of the will of Christopher Atwater are listed below:
“In the name of God, amen, the 24th Day of February, in the 15 yeare of the reigne of our sovereign ladye Elizabeth [1573], by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the faythe,
I, Christopher Atwater, of the Parish of Lenham in the countie of Kent and Diocese of Canterbury, being syck of bdye but of good and perfect remembrance, thanks be to God, do ordayne and make this my present testament, contayneing herein my last wyll and in manner and form hereafter followilige:
First, I trust my soule into the hands of Allmighty God, trustinge assuredlye by his mercye and by the deathe and passyon of or Savyre Jesus Christ to obtayne remissyon and forgyvenes of all my sinnes when it shall please God to take me.... I wyll my bodye to be buryed in the Church yard of Lenham aforesayd....
This is the last wyll of me, the sayd Christopher Atwater, made and delivered the daye and yeare above wrytten, conveying all my lands and tenements sitt, lyinge and being in Lenham aforesayd and Boughton, Malherbe or elsewhere.
First, I wyll that Marryon, my wife, shall have the profett of my three pieces of land called Parkfields and Randalls, lyinge in Lenham and Boughton, Malherbe, untyll my sonne Davyd come to the full age Of 24 years. And when the sayd Davyd cometh to the age 20 and four years, I wyll that the sayd Davyd shall have the three pieces of land called Parkfields and Randalls, to be had to hym and to his heyers forever.
I wyll that the sayd Marryon, my wife, shall have the issues and profetts of my tenement that I now dwell in and the residue of my lande untyl my sonne John cometh to the age of twenty and four years.... And after my sonne John cometh to the age of twenty and four years, I wyll that the said tenement and lande not before wylled shall remayn unto the sayd George and John, my sonnes, to be had to them and to thelr heyers forever.... And if either of the sayd George or John fortune to dye without heyers, then I wyll the one to be the other's heyere, And further, my wyll is that if any of my sonnes dye without heyers before they come to the age of thirty years then one to be the other's heyer.
But if any of my sonnes doe alyenate or sell his parte before wylled before he come to the age of thirty years, then my wyll is that his brothers shall enter uppon it as their owne.
Further my wyll is, that if it fortune my sayd wife to dye before my children come to the ages as is above lymitted and appoynted, that my brothers Thomas and Wyllyam, or one of them, shall receive the profett of my lande to the use of my sonnes, and also have the order of bringinge upp my children untyll they severally come to age, as is aforesayde.
Further, my wyll is that if the sayd Marryon, my wife, fortune to marrye before my children come to the age, that he with whom she shall fortune to marrye shall put in sufficient surety, which shall be bounde to my brothers Thomas and Wyllyam, or to one of them, to perform all the bequests and legacys of this, my last wyll and testament, or ells the sayd Thomas and Wyllym, or one of them, shall receipt the issues and profetts of all my lands, to see this my last wyll well and truly performed according to the true meaning thereof.”
Sole Executrix: Wife Marryon. Supervisors of the will, the brothers Thomas and William. These beinge wytnesses: Richard Ehristoiie, Clerk, Thomas Attwater, Wyllyam Attwood and Wyllyam Attwater.