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« Abraham Dickerman (1634 - 1711) Part Two | Main | Mary Yale (1650 - 1710) and Yale Family History in England and Early CT »

March 25, 2007


Robert J. Leonard


One of my grandmothers was Mattie (Dickerman) Leonard, daughter of Ezra Dickerman of West Burke, Vt. Her people came to Vermont from New Haven, Connecticut, and were descended from Thomas Dickerman. My grandmother said that according to family history, Thomas (who had a tailor shop in Boston) was buried in Dorchester. Years ago, the Dorchester Historical Society told me this as well.

Your article says that he was buried in Malden, and the Grove Street Cemetary in New Haven has a stone which bears the names of three sons - Abraham, Isaac and Steven -AND the name of Thomas Dickerman, including dates of birth and death, giving the impression that he is buried there too! Interesting and confusing! :)

bill Ives

Robert thanks for your comment. Part of the confusion comes from the fact that there are many Thomas Dickermans. The Thomas who came from England did settle and eventually die in the Boston area according to the official records of Suffolk County and the Dicerkman genealogy book I reference. This Thomas was buried in Dorcester as you found also. It was his son Thomas who was buried in Malden. His other son Abraham did move to New Haven but had no sons or grandsons named Thomas which is surprising. The records about Abraham and his family came from the offcial town recrods of New Haven. I am not sure about the Thomas buried in New Haven but he was not the first Thomas or his son who are buried in Dorcester and Malden. The New Haven Thomas is likely a later decendent of Abraham. Hope this helps. Any records you find would certainly be appreciated. Bill

Cat Howell-Thomas

Hi there
Just a big thatnk you for all this detail on the Dickerman family. I have only just started looking at this line.

Do you have any detail on their arrival in America? the ship or location of their arrival, or a date?

Sarah Louise Dickerman is my paternal grandmother's, grandfather's, mother.

Sarah Louise Dickerman (1801 - 1890)
3rd great-grandmother
Charles Bradley Rustin (1836 - 1900)
son of Sarah Louise Dickerman
Henry C Rustin (1865 - 1906)
son of Charles Bradley Rustin
Margaret Elizabeth Rustin (1895 - 1968)
Arthur Brandon Howell (1918 - 1987)
Catherine Nicola Jane Howell
daughter of Arthur Brandon Howell

Cat Howell-Thomas

Apologies I have just come to your Thomas Dickerman - Early life, which includes info on their arrival to America.
Thanks for all your work!

Cat Howell-Thomas

Bill Ives

Thanks for your input.Please feel free to share anything you find.

Thomas Dickerman Dunn

My name is Thomas Dickerman Dunn. My maternal grandfather was Sharon Bassett Dickerman (1873-1934). My parents told me that I am named after the Thomas Dickerman whose biography you give above. I was also told that he (and presumably Ellen) embarked on their journey from England to America at the port of Bristol. Given the dates you give above, that would have probably been sometime between 1632 and 1635.

Somewhere I read - perhaps in the big "Dickerman Book" - that the Dickermans had not been in England very long, and may have come from Germany or Central Europe during the sixteenth century. "Dickerman" - meaning "fat (or large) man" - is reportedly not an Anglo-Saxon name.

Bill Ives

Thomas thanks for your interesting input.

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