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« Genealogy Blog Advice from Kimberly Powell | Main | Abraham Dickerman (1634 - 1711) Part One »

March 22, 2007


Dawn Cotner

We live in an old farmhouse on Middle road in Preston Ct and were told that the Dickermans had a farm here at one time and would love to know what it was like here when it was a farm. We would also love to see some old photos of the house and farmyard. We have four children and they are so very interested in what it was like "back " then. Thanks

bill Ives

Thanks for your comment. All that I know is posted on this blog and I do not have any Dickerman pictures since I was only looking at the Dickermans in the 1600 and 1700s. I will be writing some more about the Springfield and Holyoke areas in upcoming posts. Perhaps another reader can share information with both of us. Bill

Cheryl Reynolds Kenter

I have Hannah Dickerman in my tree...I have her marrying William Ives on 04 Jun 1639 in New Haven, CT..their daughter Martha Ives married Azariah Beach also my direct Beach line continued down to my grandmother Florece Mildred Beach and daughter's out there. I love your site, it is well done. Thank you for your hard work.

bill Ives

Cheryl - Thanks so much for this. Do you have a record of the marriage? What is the source? I could not find it in the New Haven Town records. Bill

UGG Australia

I will be writing some more about the Springfield and Holyoke areas in upcoming posts. Perhaps another reader can share information with both of us. Bill

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