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« Getting to New England | Main | Summary of Ives Related Immigrants and Oldest Known Ancestors »

February 21, 2007



I found your blog when I was looking for some information about Martha Ives' gravestone in Watertown, MA.

I've posted a picture of the gravestone on my blog if you're interested:

Bill Ives

Thanks for your comment and the picture. It is always interesting to find out new information through this blog. It is unclear if I am related to Martha and Miles. It would have to be a connection established back in England. Bill

Ursula Martin

Thanks for sharing, very interesting. I would like to say that you spelt 'our' Bridgwater wrong. Ursula (from Bridgwater, Somerset, England)

bill  Ives

Ursula - Thanks for your correction. I have been out of the country so I was slow to respond. Bill

Andrew Ives

There are a few spelling mistakes (archaic names?) with the towns mentioned above. "Lowescroft, Suffolk (Smith)" should be Lowestoft and "Kenteffetonne" sounds a lot like "Kentish town". Hope that helps someone out there. The Ives (1928) link to Google is also now broken :-/

bill  Ives

Andrew- Thanks for the corrections. Much appreciated. Bill


Have you found anything else on Miles? My son is a direct descendant, and I'm trying to find out all about his family. Please comment back if you have- even if it's just who he isn't! Thanks!

Bill Ives

J - Thanks for your question but everything I know is on the blog. Good luck.

Angela Ives-Dos Reis

Thanks for posting this, in a long line I am related to William Ives neat to find out more

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