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    « Painting: Mardi Gras Krewe Rider | Main | Photos of World's Largest Reading Lession »

    January 27, 2014


    Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. aka pt at large

    Great variety of subjects, Bill. How is your show going?
    I recognize the street photo of Buffa's - did it uses to be Liuzza's on Bienville?

    Bill Ives

    Buffa's is done in a similar architecture as Luizza's but they are different places. Buffa's is on the edge of the Quarter on Esplanade. it is no the Marigny side. Buffa's has been officially a bar since 1933 when prohibition was replied. It was speakeasy and gamboling parlor before that with direct phone liens to several East coast race tracks. The opening to my show was fun with a good crowd. The show will be up at least until after Mardi Gras.

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