Before we went to Ephesus we went to house where St. John and the Virgin Mary lived when St. John came to preach here. There was a wishing wall and of course I had to put a wish on. You can see the wall and the close up is of my wish. Thses are the first three small pictures below after the large one from Ephesus. You can click on any picture to enlarge it.
Ephesus was amazing. It was a large Greek and then Roman city that had 250,000 people at one time. Only about 20 % has been excavated but that includes the city core. It was buried by an earthquake that that is why is was preserved. These are just a few of the many photos. These is one of a badgamon game that the Romans played like the current one in the seventh picture. Much was recontructed. Th eorginla parts are in marble and the reconstructed parts in concrete or stones. The marble streets are mostly intact. It had many the features of our cities today with healthcare, a public WC, a library, and a "love" house. In one photo you can see the symbol fo rmedicine today withthe snake to symbolize the the healthcare facility.
We also went to house of Virgin Mary and John, as Ephesus museum and site of a large temple. Nizamettin Adsiz was our guide and did a great job ( I usually do not do guided tours but this was mush more convient, included a good lunch, all admissions, and much transporation.
For some reason, nobody else seems to do ruins quite like the Greeks.
Posted by: Mick Mather | May 30, 2012 at 08:49 AM
I agree - they were originals and the Romans largely copied them. There was something unique and part of that was democracy.
Posted by: bill Ives | May 30, 2012 at 09:42 PM
I dont have these many pictures even on my website
Posted by: Theephesus | September 16, 2012 at 12:45 PM