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    « Painting of Four Pears in a White Dish | Main | Painting of Gumbo from Patois, New Orleans »

    January 19, 2012


    Mick Mather

    Nothing says "welcome" quite like a basket of bread.

    bill  Ives

    Thanks Mick and this was great corn bread. Bill


    "Bread basket" has great feeling, Bill!

    Through this digital lens, I see progression in the sublety of your technique in acrylic, vis a vis "Silver Boots".

    Describing your experience at the bar adds value. We get to empathize, then the painting becomes a sharable icon of your home town.

    Gotta get there one day.

    "Crystal Hot Sauce"!?

    Best of success with your new socbiz gig!


    bill  Ives


    Thanks for your kind words and well wishes.

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