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    « Cambridge Art Association 64th Annual Fall Salon | Main | Van Gogh at Night – I Hope to Get There »

    September 16, 2008


    Mick Mather

    Searching for the subject, getting things ready and then to simply wait are the keys and required tools of the photographer. Many times I've overheard people, as they were naively looking at marvelous photographs, say, "I could've taken that." To those of us who view the world with that artistic eye - framing, composing, setting things up - this sort of attitude can only be described as ignorant. Too, as Tom Petty has said only too well, "the waiting is the hardest part." :)

    bill Ives

    Mick - You nailed it. I am often frustrated when I do not have time to properly deal with a great subject. It takes an eye and it takes time. Nice to hear from you. Bill


    National Geographic is an amazing publication. How cool that they approached you! I'm jealous. ;)
    Thanks for the info on the book. I'm going to see if I can order it for our library.
    Hope everything else in your life is going well!

    bill Ives


    Thanks for your comment. It is a great book. I am sure you will enjoy it. Bill

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