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    « Photos of Changing Light One- Onset MA | Main | Photos of Los Angeles Houses 2006 »

    July 01, 2007


    Mick Mather

    The thing I enjoy most about sea- or sky-scape photographs is looking at them through the eyes of a "color field" painter. The first in line is a good example of that for me. I also like the red umbrella with the chairs. I'd crop that one big time, it might create a lot more power and interest.

    Bill Ives

    Mick - Thanks - which is the one you would cop and where? Bill

    Mick Mather

    The red umbrella and the chairs. It also has an amazing sweep of light sparkling over the sand.

    Bill Ives

    Thanks. I also like the arc in the sand that is highlighted by the light coming in at a low angle. Bill

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