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    « Thingsmagazine – London Art Blog | Main | Radio Silence - London Show »

    May 17, 2007


    Mick Mather

    I really enjoyed this set with all of the dark & brooding skies. I got a chuckle out of "Little Bill" as well...and, I like the way you handled the reflections in the water by not using the old, now rather trite, mirror image cliche.

    bill Ives

    Mick - Thanks for your comments. These were taken on a trip to New Orleans a few months before Katrina. We went to the coast to go to the beach and got rain and the dramatic skies that you see, against the white sands. I find some of the best light is in transistions. There are some beautiful old towns on this coast along with the casinos. I hope that they can be rebuilt. We used to go there in the 50s when I was growing up in New Olearns.

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